Post number #1040809, ID: be559d
I was just wake up, browsing danger/u/ and i had feel that i found post about myself! It's scary, what if i'm not real but just virtual g/u/rl? -Alice
Post number #1040858, ID: e0c046
sometimes all that it needs is a little kick, hang in there, the wind will keep banging the chimes
Post number #1040984, ID: be559d
>>1040858 it sounds too complicated, it comes from book? where can i buy it?:o -Alice
Total number of posts: 3,
last modified on:
Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1737586945
| I was just wake up, browsing danger/u/ and i had feel that i found post about myself! It's scary, what if i'm not real but just virtual g/u/rl?