Post number #1032896, ID: 05af7f
Hi all. Ling story short I had distant family come into my workplace and asks my boss a bunch of questions about me. The boss answered and now I'm paying for it. Is there anything legally I can do about this?
Post number #1032986, ID: 23d2b2
They shouldn’t have done that and I don’t know! Google says it depends on jurisdiction. Please check for your jurisdiction, but also you should NOT be in a position that mean family can hurt you. Do you have a plan to have a fancy job where they can’t do that? Can I help? I’m trying to get a degree so I can get a job and move out one day. Thinking of you. I hope you’re ok. My response would be to go to the boss and say what they did was not ok and make them say sorry but i have no success
Total number of posts: 2,
last modified on:
Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1731541457
| Hi all. Ling story short I had distant family come into my workplace and asks my boss a bunch of questions about me. The boss answered and now I'm paying for it. Is there anything legally I can do about this?