Official new gun chat thread (Re-posting after last one got locked)

| Welcome to the new Gun Chat thread. What guns are you using these days? Reminder: keep it civil.

| Great. Thank you OP. Now as I attempted to explain in the previous Gun Chat thread (in fact I was writing my response the very moment the maids deleted the entire thread, which I profoundly disagree with for multiple reasons), the basic truth behind all weaponry is technique. Users of this forum would do well to educate themselves on Dr. War's Principles of Armed Combat (which at a mere 80 pages is practically a pamphlet), which makes the case quite convincingly that even the most-

| -powerful weapons have little impact on success metrics if the underlying technique is lacking. And this forum is definetly not lacking in noodle-armed bozos with big bank accounts who think they can just order the most expensive gun on Dange"R"Us and go bounty hunting. Many of you haven't even mastered a basic slide maneuver, which i essential for getting close enough to actually fire the weapon.


| Dr War sux! I watch combat correy! He’s the real deal-you’ll never see Dr war duel welding 20mms! Dr war merch sucks hard for too! Sent from my autospray pistol with gold correymod keyboard and screen

| D00d, don't refer to Dr. War's book as a pamphlet!! It's a book. I heard that if you call it a pamphlet in front of him he will get angry and fry your ass. Literally.

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1725379164

This thread is closed.