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weird dream

| I had weird dream about /lain/ and /cyb/ was dead and we wasn't real g/u/rls.. i feel lucky that it was just bad dream

| Em, may be we need to talk about what of Cyberpunk2077 or G-string is true Cyberpunk? Or just about differences of them?

| >>1016400 Cyberpunk2077 isn't real cyberpunk just some weird attempt, play gits instead

| >>1016405
Agree, but for the mass will be good to remind that true cyberpunk born cause Kowloon become what it is.

| >>1016405 wtf is gits

| >>1016416 let's hope some good publisher will buy license and make something new

| >>1016467
Ghost in the Shell. It’s a movie though not a game.

| >>1016489
Yes, movie, and there also one game at least was developed, but not distributed, unfortunately.
// may be latter I will try find some info.

| >>1016489 thank u gurl
*kisses you on the cheek :3*

| >>1016510
There are multiple games

| >>1016516
:0 y-you like me??? :3 kissed you back

| Try playing shadow run,good shit

| >>1016523
Hm, may be I have wrong information, but I remembered about game like stand-alone complex third-person shooter.

| >>1016657 it existed but was shutted down: gits sao first assault online

| I still have that in my steam library lmao

| >>1016763 too, i have even level 5 badge

| >>1016754
That it is! Thank you, Wendy!

| >>1017031 idk if you can thank you for something what don't exists anymore:c there was some people talking about want make own modded client but it didn't happen i think

| >>1017044
At least you reminded me of that title. Yes, unfortunately, it no longer exists, and unfortunately I have not heard that a "people's" client has been made.

| There is a PSP game that looks kinda similar so there is that

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1718958517

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