Too many people on this planet

| How solve

| send them to other planets. that'll be $575 in consultation fees, plus tip

| Be the change you want to be and kill all the unborn baby

| Have sex and have fun.

| >>1012953 no that's the opposite of what we want

| make them goon and incel or try with a fake vaccine, oh wait

| aww yeah, antivaxxers come out to play

lets make this a /new/ thread

| >>1012945 lower the birth rate. brainwash the population with hentai and leftist views. make half the population disabled by vaccinations. just squeeze the remaining protesters lol.

| Die.

| >>1013007 let's do it while holding hand

| ima just hide myself away in vr to prevent my tism from propogating

| >>1012965 Have lesbian sex and have fun.

| >>1013021 real and true, this is the way

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1715241784

This thread is closed.