"x is like y but with z"

| please stop explaining things like this it really sucks

its like saying EYE is a hl2 mod with ultrakill movement autism and doom's power fantasies

| Elden Ring is like Armored Core 6, but with the map of RDR2 without the mechas

| your mouth is like a black hole without the radiation

*fucks your mouth*

| Based eye enjoyer,inshallah

| Explorers finding Australia:"This new land is like South Wales but with deserts"

| math is like philosophy but with numbers

| Baudrillard would be proud

| Sorry but I don't speak Dwarf Fortress

| >>1012954 *engraves your mouth*

| This thread is like a game review site, but without the scores

| VA-11 Hall-A is like a visual novel but with Snatchers graphics and setting 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ


| Your mom is like my girlfriend but hotter

| >>1012881 I kinda like explaining things like that ngl

Life is like lemons but with oranges that change color everytime you look at them

| X is like v but mirrored vertically.

| Elona

| d is like b but reversed

| >>1013352
”Yo brooo, wacha ma parkooour"

b x
d x
p x
q x
d x
b x

"did you see it?"

| >>1013357 Do it again I wasn't looking

| >>a0eeb1 Don't worry, I was looking for you. She doesn't have to do it again.

| >>1013396 *retrospectively covers your eyes*

| Equatorial Guinea is like Ecuador, but in Africa and without touching the equator line

| >>eeac7c If there's not a new car in front of me when you uncover them, I'm going to throw a fit.

| >>1013411 *quietly prepares a remover gun, anticipating a good person will manage to bring a car*

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1715689983

This thread is closed.