wtf when did car headlights become so bright

| literally just walking home after getting ramen late at night and this goddamn prius flashbanfs my fuckign eyes

its not just me right??

| hiss, the light scare me too meow!

| Fucking LED headlights
Not only are they too bright but they refract off my glasses so I can't see shit.
If one more fucker has the equivalent of high beams on their fat new SUV I will ram them with my 97 Honda Prelude. I probably won't survive but it's worth it to send a message.

| I have astigmatism, i cry with any strong light at night

| >>1012919 sound cute

| >>1012925 it's not, you see the rays of god blinding you with every light

| Tomorrow

| It's the fucking worst, especially on idiots in massive trucks like

It's not that dark out goddamn

| "its not that dark out"

okay, snowflake
wear sunglasses then

i bought the light bar on this truck, i'm using the light bar on this truck.

if it's so much of a problem, then get away from my roads.

| >>1012983 sis really thinks she personally owns the i-10. do you own a cybertruck too, lmao

| >>1012928 and you cry from them? God, so hot

| >>1012984 Cadillac Escalade, and as long as I have more mass than you, you need to respect it.

| >>1012983 only an idiot would wear sunglasses at night

| >>1013032 And only an idiot would walk next to the road expecting not to get blinded. Take a back route.

| ^
>car owner
>think roads belong to cars
lmao even.

| >>1013050 You are a squishy meatbag on a pavement pathway for two ton tin cans zipping around. IE; Bonus points.

| >>1013055 aww whose an edgy gurl!! so edgy! good gurl! youre so cute with your big tough toy truck :3

| >>1012984 I flipped off a cybertruck driver yesterday lmao

| >>1013187 should've thrown water on his truck so it stopped working

| >>1013214 it'll rust his entire metal sheet, that's cruel af

| >>1013227 yes snd

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1715585164

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