Fück Society

| I genuinely don't care anymore.
I fucking hate this world.
4 years of complete loneliness. I'm in my early 20s. I should have a live, friends, something. Whatever I try everyone always has someone they want more, someone they'd rather spend their time with.
This world makes me sick.

I'm so fucking close to not only ending it but going out with a bang.

| Waste your life on riichi mahjong and be happy, dummy

| Try waiting 10 years and see if you feel the same!

| >>1012284 ma'am, i need you to wrap yourself in tin foil, climb inside a microwave and blow yourself to hell

| i was there before, for me i just tried to be a "usual" customer at a bar and i found nice friends there

| >>1012272 it's part of the human condition to always want more. It's also evident it's a part of you too, OP.
You want more.
It's nothing to hate on. To be hateful about.
How do you change your feelings?
Start being grateful. For even the smallest, tiniest things that you appreciate. In objects and people.
You'll soon realize how much do you really have.

| how are you supposed to teach people limitations when internet gives people boundless things to own?
There is no way to start over

| is this where i mention vrchat?

| >>1012587 yeahhhhhhh

| >>1012306 a woman friend?

| >>1012272 try to start driving. become ryan gosling from drive.

| >>1012718 it was a lesbian bar lmao

| Have sex and have fun.

| >>1012272
You still there bro / sis?

| don't do as >>1012878 said, car is literally the spawn from hell that's every problem in society have to deal with today

| lie down on the floor and chill

| >>1013085 *blows my carbon footprint all over you*

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1715429339

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