Am I a bad person

| Alright, so, I've got a friend, let's call her Joe. Joe shows a lot of interest in the things I enjoy (music, movies ect) and has watched/listened to a lot of my recommendations. I on the other hand am not the biggest fan of the stuff she enjoys. This might sound mean, but I do at least give some of them a try. Two weeks ago I told her I'd watch given since she's a huge fan. First five minutes of episode one were actually decent, but I've been putting it off since then

| (keep in mind I can barely finish shows I actually enjoy, might be my adhd) so I've decided to just read a summary and tell her I've seen a couple episodes since then. That would be a lie though, and lying is bad. But I genuinely can not bring myself to watch it. Like, physically. Should I just end my life?

| I have ADHD and got the same problem. If it's a show or movie I can't force myself to watch it. I see at most 3 movies per year, and that's if I'm dedicated to it. So if a friend is telling me to watch something that I don't even have interest in I just explain that I physically can't force myself to watch shit so it probably won't happen, or if it does it'll at least be a while
If a friend can't accept such a small and unimportant thing I don't think that's really a friend

| >>1012268 That's okay OP, if you literally cannot watch the show that's okay, the fact that you still went above your capacities and read a summary of the show shows how much you care
-> therefore, you should not feel bad
however, if your friend shames you for doing so, then change friends

| That's a huge leap, yea do it kys

| >>1012271 holy shit i didn't expect an actual answer, i had a feeling the post was too normal for this board lmao

yeah i think i'll actually just tell her the truth and whatever happens, happens. thank you ^_^

| >>1012274 on it boss

| >>8fb9f0 i've actually always been afraid of telling people this exact thing cause I figured they'd just assume I have IPad kid brain. I'm happy that I'm not the only one with this problem, sometimes I need a couple days to even finish a single movie, despite genuinely enjoying it, shit sucks :/

| >>1012282 Don't lose hope. It's just that some are more active than others.

| >>1012267 Let's see, if you're having trouble with getting close to Joe from what he's open about, then you could neither keep more on open him up and find something better. Or you could take your turn to bring something to the table and find something together to engage on.
There are also times where you two just want to take a walk somewhere or trying something new to both of you and explore them together.

| Compatibility is not necessary but sharing moments of life together is what makes a friendship worth it.
So if you can't force it in anyway for anything. Then just walk elsewhere and find something that's not akin to a wall of steel.
And for the sake of giving more inputs, you can actually learn to break these walls but you probably need some help for it(be it from Joe or anyone/anywhere else, ex.forums talking about it)

| It can be about working with your inner feelings to deal with it. Other times you may also be in trouble because you can have some better priorities(Be it even having a fond hobby you're not sharing) to look for so you won't afford to do something that feels like a chore. And a very important point that's going to the matter is how to deal with your words. It really depends with how close you're to Joe, lying is definitely bad and should be corrected.

| I may ask you first if you have some usual behavioring on lying?
Perhaps, on how you need to higher your stutus before someone or make sure how to not show weakeness?
There are many do and do not in this.
It really comes to what you want out of Joe.
And there are also gonna be third parties if you wanted to discuss.

| I view it slightly differently, to me in some sense a friendship is a continuous push and pull. And sort of stomaching something you don't enjoy is sometimes a part of that, especially if a big part of it is sharing media.

Unfortunately we neuroretardos haven't taken over yet so manners need to be followed.

Personally I just watch shit when I work out nd medded. Lying in any relationship is gay.

Get more adhds in your party or be frank that this is a one way media street.

| >>d320fd I do do that...lately i've been trying to be more aware of my actions and tell the truth more often, but then I feel like people lose respect and treat me like crap or look down on me which stinks. At least that used to be the case in my main friend group sometimes, maybe they just didn't understand what obstacles I faced/still face with adhd, but oh well. I'll definitely talk to Joe though, she also has issues so she'll prolly unferstand my reasons ^_^

| >>1012321 I've changed my mind, sorry for making it such a big deal. You two seems just good friends. Is Joe like hard leading or you're lacking of topics? From this second take, it may just be smokes for nothing.

| >>d320fd Technically we are very good friends, I think my worries may have stemmed from her heavy lack of self awareness...idk. It's all a bit complicated, sometimes I feel like she's so invested in my interests because she once confessed to me which still puts some distance between us. I probably am overthinking it though! And thanks for the help ^_^

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