when do i die

| if you guess correctly you will have a price good luck

| when you kill yourself

| >>1012210 >>0e644bwhen guess

| >>1012211 immediately

| >>1012212 >>0e644bwrong sorry you have failed no price you are free to try again

| when I kill you

| >>1012216 >>a56823when

| >>1012217 today rn, just stay put

| >>1012218 >>a56823we will see if it is real i give it 24hour good luck

| August 22nd 2061 - neurological damage due to prolonged feed usage leading to slight retardation in the visual cortex and necrotizing tissue in the genital area after a catheter blocking in the hygiene bed.
you switched off your direct sense feed after an erroneous warning lead to your being thrown out of the feed.
These two things lead to a combined effect where you went into shock neurological shock. Attempts to revive were made but failed due to hair cocoon build up.

| in 15 years from a seed-oil-induced heart attack

| >>1012218 >>a56823wrong sorry you have failed no price you are free to try again

| Tomorrow. Grain silo accident.

| >>1012314 >>9bd4c1we will see if it is real i give it 24hour good luck :

| You make the burger I sell the burger,we do that for 40 years and then we die

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1714550926

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