Will vrchat make me trans

| Ive heard.. lots if stuff about people after using vrchat and i am not confident enough in myself or my sexuality to not be an emotional trainwreck after realizing that stuff

| hey there, full-body thottie here

it depends how deep you dive into the rabbit hole, and its a very slippery slope

at ground level, you can explore some really neat worlds and watch the autism that is public world interactions - otherwise you remain your normal self

but once you start making friends, hanging around them and building bonds with them, you might start skewing your personality and views as you enjoy your time in this new universe

| personally, i was kinda transphobic and generally close-minded to deviating from nature, but once i started enjoying vrchat, building bonds with people, and immersing myself in that virtual universe, i just kinda meshed with the melting pot of identity confusion that is the vrc community

suddenly i was a lesbian

i didnt go full trans or anything (though some have), but vrchat definately made me discover things about myself that old me wouldnt like, but new me is happy with

| the vrc pipeline exists

it treats everyone differently

nobody can tell you exactly what will happen should you take the plunge, but you will be a different person

likely a happier person, but certainly different (and probably weirder[which is good!])

| nothing can make you trans, but being given comfortable space to explore your identity can and will shed light on things if you let it

| >>1012191 you absolutely can be gaslit into being trans and "egg crackers" deserve the same wood chipper we'll put nazis into

| >>1012193
lmao, even.

| >>1012195
lmao, even.

| >>1012191
say that to the kids that are influenced into becoming trans cuz of their environment
that and the vulnerable people that go on tumblr or whatever and get influenced

| >>1012184
OP the thing is that the fact that you're aksing if something will make you trans tells that you're the kind of person to become trans just because
try to limit your trans media intake and weed out any trans friends
if one day you "feel" like a woman (i'm assuming you're a man), then let me tell you : you do not feel like a woman, you were influenced into thinking that
no woman who respect herself will see a man as a woman

| >>f373ef please learn and grow as a person

| >>1012205
as a woman men will never be women, if men truly understood what it is like to be a woman they wouldn't try to invade our spaces

| >>f373ef slay queen
corollary to that; you find a kid out there that's uncomfortable with puberty/toxic masculinity/etc. and the internet's idea of "helping" is putting them on hormones.
you know, instead of letting that kid develop their own identity, like we all used to have to do before discord
highkey the same as googling a cough and having webmd tell you you've got cancer, smh

| And here I thought the thread was going really wholesome, it was really cute to see people being open-minded and encouraging the same. Bigots really love to shit on a good thing huh.

OP, in my opinion, while its true your decisions shouldn't be a result of being influenced, I don't believe there is anything wrong with being open-minded and exploring yourself. Asking yourself questions you never tried asking or finding the answers to is a great way to grow. Happy gaming, good luck!

| Everyone on here is already a g/u/rl gurl

| >>1012238 so will vr chat make them into boys?

| >>1012229 yeah sadly they have nothing better to do

| >>f373ef kys and post it

| >>1012201
People hate you because you speak the truth.
I struggled with gender identity when I was a young boy, matter of fact I still considered myself 'a woman in a man's body' up till my 25's.
Thing is, I experienced what was it like to be a man, what was it like to be a woman and learnt about toxic masculinity and that it is ok to be a man and have a feminine side, it is healthy.

Dunno, I learnt a lot of things and made peace with myself, these days I'm a happy man.

| >>1012251
I'm glad my parents didn't send me to the psychologist or i'd 100% be a trans woman now.
I feel really fulfilled being a man in touch with my feminine side, I don't even care how I look, I take good care of my body to look like a pretty boy, and oh gosh I love it.

Like imagine being a woman but having a male body to customize whatever way you like and do whatever the heck with it? It's fun!

| o shit this thread poppin

| >>1012229
You want the thread to be open minded yet the moment someone has an opinion different than yours then it's bad
I truly do not understand why trans women refuse to listen to how cis women feel, it's always about making trans people feel better but actual women who keep suffering in our modern era are to be left with their misery

As a woman, I do not understand why a man would "identitfy" as one, what even are the perks of being a woman ?? Why do they even feel like that ?

| If you dont (or refuse to) understand, then just leave it at that, agree to disagree and look away.

If you feel miserable, then I'm sorry to hear that, but even then thats no reason to drag everyone else into it.

We shouldnt have a say about what someone elses happiness is. Whether or not being trans is part of that, that's for the person themselves to explore and decide.

Your opinion isnt bad because its different. Its bad because its just stifling the exploration of self.

| >>1012273
>If you dont (or..
It's hard to just look away when I don't understand because most trans women I know IRL and IVL (popular trans people and friends) say their main reason to become a woman is "because it's easier to be a woman" or "because I want to feel pretty", not to mention the whole AGP discourse
You can't expect people to just say "whatever" to a matter that directly concerns them
I truly want to understand trans women

| >>1012273
>If you feel miserable..
The problem is that the experiences and the pain we feel as women is what makes us stronger and closer to each other because as women, we often times go through the same stuff, stuff that men will never go through or understand

| >>1012273
>We shouldnt..
I think we should because men are invading our spaces and demanding taht we treat them as one of us when it's Simply impossible (one example of trans women trying to force their way into womanhood is how they want lesbians to date trans women and say it's transphobic for cis women to not date trans women)

| sorry for the multiple posts, I wanted to fully reply to what you said >>e5c4a4

| >>1012264
You know what they say 'the grass is always greener on the other side'.
Men that don't learn the perks of being a man or misunderstand masculinity think they NEED to be a woman to be feminine.

It's sad cause we could finally have a generation of men in touch with their feminine side and actually in touch with female issues, but no, we just get trans people.

| what a treat!

| but I wonder if I should cut this short...

| Well, at least >>f373ef />>76fed is a show.
Are you used to the concepts of religion?
Can I ask you if can acknowledge trans as a religion for this instance?
If you took this view, you'd get that this is single bubble of ideologies in the immense sea.
Is there any meaning to be concerned to what's popular at the current era?
Issues pop up here and there but it's because we can't stand people just can't stand in the same spot for too long.

| >>76fed7
It's possible to transmutate this in a necessity of survival and a creation of a totally new concept without any historical rule that slows its grown.
It's possible to be free in this bubble but without well established rules, harming themselfs is not ruled out in any way.
It's a step that people did decide to take mainly because we've become too stiff and "boring" with how everything ended up. There is a necessity of changes but this one is a movement without a proper

| mind.
In these times we're in freedom and peace, or so it's said. What it's real is that we're far more likely to divide ourselfs and hold into things that are less popular and acknowledged.

| If I've said anything unclear feel free to ask. But I have request, do you believe to be saying something based on your personal impressions or to fight a battle or to understand something with no definition?

| >>1012278 what about AGPs? There's nothing wrong with them. You shouldn't be against people that want to change their bodies for any reason.
Also, some may say that "women have it easier" but regardless if there's issues with that statement or if it holds some truth, it's just one of the rationalized excuses those people give to justify their gender change.

But that justification could be anything They just want to look different, its that simple.
And they should be allowed to

| > be on danger/u/
> see thread with trans theme
> wall of text arguing with transphobic schizoposters

plus ça change…

| i love how this thread completely deviated from the effects of the vrchat pipeline to the morality of trans people

my two cents is that i treat them as i treat the rest of lgbt folk; openly telling them to have fun doin' their thing and pursuing their own happiness, but just keep it on your side of the fence. i'm happy with my grass' current shade of green.

| transphobia this, bigotry that, my life has been a pretty good one keeping the rainbow folk at a distance with a thumb up, letting them know im glad theyre happy but i want to keep my grayscale life just that - the colors are too noisy and i'm already too busy

but i also don't understand why people have to fight about it - peaceful coexistence at a distance is a thing. just say you're happy for em but your flavor of weird doesn't mesh well with thiers

| >>1012424 mutual coexistence is desirable for regular people but not for either christofascists (who want queers destroyed) or most queers themselves (who want everyone to be queer)
i recommend the book terrorist assemblages by jasbir puar- it'll tell you a lot more about homonationalism & queer exceptionalism than i possibly could

| >>1012442 what if I want everyone to coexist but I also want that the religious nutjobs let me groom submissive men into trans girls?
I just want more cute girls in this world. If the women to men gender ratio is 3 : 2 then the incel problem will fix itself quite quickly
Why are people so against world wide peace?!?!

| >>1012468 i wish i could believe that your posts are satire

| oh believe me, you can run in worse around here

| >>1012471 let me tell you, it's not satire. I'm not even joking.

| >>1012482 I wish I have a .38 to blow my head off rn

| >>1012483 she doesn't know about the danger/u/ forcefem squad

| VR chat can unlock latent trans ability

If you are at a vulnerable place in life people can sell anything as a solution

Social groups can change levels of acceptability of ideas, no woman is an island

But if you have self esteem you can be thrown into gay baby trans jail and not care

But OPs post does give "though doth protest too much" vibes, you sound like a proto gay fantasing about a sports locker room


| >>1012251 >>1012252 uhmm, based

| Getting abused for 10+ years also really helps you become a trans girl gurl, of course I'd still probably be trans without it but damn did it make me really hate masculinity, myself, and almost all humans, pretty crazy stuff yes mam, yes mam, make sure to get clicker trained too or some shit, the more obedient the better, also who tf even cares if you wanna be a guy gurl or nb person just be one, experiment, get thigh highs and hack shit, then shoot up the government. ♡

| >>1012574 what?

| >>f373ef kys

| When are we gonna talk about the fact that everyone are just bending the truth and never letting anyone get off the bucket of crabs?
Many people here should just sort their room before posting

| >>1012608 I have my room fully clean and sorted, for your information

| >>1012442
Wow shut the fuck up lmao
Sure let's mix gender, politics and religion SURELY NOTHING BAD WILL COME OUT OF IT

| >>1012680 of course you're political dipshit, it came with your fucking existence

| >>1012681 fuck you for being funny god damn it

| Giganiga

| oh fuck this got derailed hard

| It won't, but I will.

| Id derail you hard

| >>1012913
what if i wanna get railed hard though? maybe even re-railed?

| Maybe


Total number of posts: 61, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1715078386

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