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I really hope America votes for a 3rd party for president

| So far, we had trump, awful, we had Joe, awful, both were in their 80's, which I think shouldn't even be a think, I think the American president should have a max age limit of 60 cause God these old fucks don't know whats going on. I hope to God a third party wins in the next election, really getting tired of living with presidents like these

| pro-biden ciabots descending upon this thread in 3 seconds, watch them whip, watch them naenae

| third party is a joke theres only two parties the only solution is revolution

| >>754810 maybe maybe

| Your inner non-American is leaking and everygurl on this site can see it

| Kanye West FTW.

| Kanye West FTW.

| ITT: dumb people


| It didn't even take 1 post for a Trump sheep to desperatly start getting defensive. #Predictable >>89373c

| >>1010632 "I assure you voting pales in comparison to my idea of bombing a walmart"

Proceeds to not bomb a Walmart.

| >>1010704 bombing a walmart is your idea not mine

| Two parties is a joke there should only be one party.

| There should be at least 8 parties

| >>1010632 There is no energy in America for revolution and people who are preaching it are just doing a big LARP.

Right now got a liberal, not the best choice or an out and out fascist grifter with a 900 page manifesto from heritage foundation on how to dismantle US democracy to replace it with a Russia style autocratic system.

Cards on the table I'd be picking the liberal for the massive harm reduction, plus having a fascist government in would not benefit the left in any way.

| >>1010797 Nobody says like voting turns you into a turbo liberal or anything, you don't need to support every position of that canadate nor stop doing activism or mutual aid or pushing your agenda but better the weakest enemy than the strongest one.

| >>1010798 One more thing, I hate the first past the past system and the fact its two choices. We seriously need voting reform, not just in the US but other western nations as well.

But as the system stands right now, third parties in the US systems will cause the Nader effect which will just hemorrhage further votes into the Republician ticket.

| >One more thing, I hate the first past the past system

| I am so smart

| >>1010797 i agree with everything said here, but its not enough. this system is clearly not sustainable and voting is too little too slowly

| >>1010841 cool id

| i just take the stupid bitch baby approach of "ignore the politics and just hide in vr"

i'll be gone before politics tear my walled garden down if i just stay quiet

| There has been a concerted and *massively successful* brainfucking propaganda effort over the last century or so to shift as much weight from morally bankrupt corporate behavior onto the "big bad government". But there is one major thing we can blame the government for: Allowing themselves to be captured by rotten capitalistic corporate monstrosities. The US government is basically owned & run by the billionaire parasite class. Corporate lobbies basically make US policy.

| eh, it would probably end up like the NPD in Canada, where no matter now much they disagree with the liberal party they ultimately rely on them.
If anything the us sort of makes up for it having two parties via there being more room for decent within them.
It's not that uncommon for dems to run against other dems where in other democracies there would be no point.

| I watched Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter,seems like a cool dude

| bourgeois electoralism is a joke anyway, aside from minute details on the treatment of cultural/social issues both american parties are the same shit. the entire state apparatus is geared toward the maintenance of the neoliberal order. american "democracy" is a smokescreen to make people believe they have any say on how society runs

| >>1011251 BoTh PaRTiEs ArE the SamE.

Citation needed

| while i dont agree both parties are the same, i do agree that the illusion of choice for the people really just boils down to that - an illusion

yeah, we can choose between one dude we dont agree with or another dude we might agree with a little more but brings his own problem to the table as a tradeoff- our goals in life remain unchanged and just as difficult but oh lookie there, that one thing that i agreed with happened!

its all just a way to rise headache medicine prices

| and im not wealthy enough nor will i ever be to "be the change i want to see" before someone pulls that card

as are many of us

| >>fa5127
go be stupid somewhere else you apathetic whiner

| "We need to do a civil war" *doesn't do a civil war*
"We need guns to defend ourselves from tyranny" *supports militarization of the police force*
"We are a land of the free!" *25% of global prisoner population while just being 5% of global population, while prisons built for the 90s are still being filled even tho the crime rate is down two thirds*
le american

| >>1011256 It's illusion of choice until one party openly condemns your existence gurl!!!

Total number of posts: 32, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1713183472

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